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One show down, one show to go

Posted by moxie under Events

Having failed to post about the now-over-but-completely-amazing Urban Craft Uprising 6th Winter show, here are some great recaps: Leah Pellegrini did a nice write up with photos and a little video. And, the incomparable Rosalie Gale (of Ugly Baby Shower Art, Unanimous Craft, and bARTer Sauce fame) wrote a great UCU post including some unbelievably kind words for yours truly.

photo by Crystalyn Kae (she of the drool-worthy, wildly-coveted handbags)

The show was a huge success with almost 10,000 shoppers in attendance. One fangirl highlight for me was when Kurt B. Reighley told me he liked my show playlist. (No, really… DJ El Toro said he liked my music selection, ok!? OK.) Kurt was knitting and, frankly, cuddly-looking, and signing his latest book United States of Americana: Backyard Chickens, Burlesque Beauties, and Handmade Bitters: A Field Guide to the New American Roots Movement.

I also joined the adoring hoardes who got to meet Anna Hrachovec and Twinkie Chan!

Next, I’m headed to Portland for Crafty Wonderland to booth it up with my UCU ladies Kristen Rask and Lindsey Ross. I’ll have a few kits and plenty of books so come find me at the Urban Craft Uprising booth and give us some love.


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